The Inspiration for the Kindness Card Program

Between May – December 2022 my 88-year-old mother, Patricia Ault, suffered a serious blood infection and stroke. During that time, she was in the hospital and a rehab facility. In order to keep her spirits up, I asked my friends and acquaintances to send her a card. The cards came pouring in. Over that period, she received more than 300 cards!

It made all the difference in her mental health during this difficult period. Today she is living independently in her apartment, and thanks God every day for all the “Angels” who kept her in their thoughts and prayers as she recovered.

The Kindness Card Program is my way of paying it forward.

Featured on KDKA's Talk Pittsburgh

And on KDKA News

Support the Kindness Card Program Today

Your contribution will help offset the overall administration costs of the program and will help the program grow. It is our hope that thousands of people will be able to feel the warmth of a Kindness Card.

Make a Donation

The Kindness Card Project By the Numbers

# of Angels


# of Requests


# of Cards Mailed


What Recipients and Angels Say About the Kindness Card Program

"When my daughter broke her arm, somebody submitted her name to the Kindness Card Program. Seeing her face light up reading all the cards and well wishes from her Angels made my heart so happy. That is why I would like to become an Angel. I would like to make others feel how my daughter and I felt."

-Tiffany B.

"I believe all we have to give is our kindness. I know first-hand the impact a note or card can have and I firmly believe they make a difference."

-Beth M.

"My mom was so touched that she got three nice cards. She remembered you and knew the first one was from you and said the one she got today made her cry after a difficult doctor’s appointment. They are very much appreciated and have lifted her spirits. Thank you."

-Jan K.

"Thank you everyone for your kind cards and birthday wishes, it has meant so much to Junior and his smile means so much to us. Sending love and hugs, Junior and Family"

-Junior L.

Our Supporters

We are grateful for the support the Kindness Card Program has received from the organizations below:


Contact Info

For More Information

Mary Ann Ault
Founder of the Kindness Card Program & Cultivated Clients
[email protected]
Phone: 412-780-3017


115 Maria's Way
South Park, PA  15129